Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm not goth I just play one on tv

I was semi lost but I figured it out pretty quickly.

I left at about 5:30 and got there in the holding room pretty close to call time which was 6:30pm. I came hair and makeup ready and then they decided to fix my hair up and make it wicked cute and they liked what I was wearing, they asked me if I was a real goth hah.

I'm like no I only like Sisters of Mercy cause I'm a christian.

Anyway there was this production guy who took a liking to me and kept asking to see my passport photo. In the picture I'm 17 and THANKS mom, for taking me to a professional photographer to make sure I didn't have a shitty picture for 10 years. He just kept asking every chance he got to see the picture.

Then I said you need to pay me to see this because this is ridiculous. So the goth table got to hang out with the whore table. WHAT IS THIS HIGH SCHOOL?

The name of the show is KINGS

A modern-day soap loosely based on the story of King David, in which an everyday guy rises to the seat of political power in his small town.

I play a goth person heh, its a quite the stretch.

We wrapped at 6am. Then I took the wrong train and then the right one and then finally the L.

Got home at like 7:30

Happy Halloween I guess.

Chelsea's first time

I decide after getting home I need to replenish my body with water.

Then walk to where a friend whom I met in Boston who moved to the city months before me is working. I walk into the establishment(Chapel of Sacred Mirrors) and its just sorta creepy in that overly spiritual way, I can feel the live energy in it, its pure, nothing fake and I see images like cosmic christ and its the brightest thing I've ever seen. But I've heard that you should always go towards things that scare you that's how you get braver.

Or make it until you make it, I never thought I was a good actress until it was pointed out to me, because frankly I'm too blunt and obvious to be a good liar or to even try, I find it interesting how often people are shocked by things I say.
I don't like having to hold back from anyone. I would rather be myself.

I enjoy talking to women I feel kinship with and we can learn from each other's experiences and at least share and know we're understood.

I got a run around from an establishment but made up for it by spending time with an old friend of mine and had a nice time.

Coquettish Rejuvation

My Sister's Birthday which also is shared by an acquaintance.

It started out a bit of confusion, a bit of that feeling that no one is going to say a word to you because you're an outsider but then said fuck it sat down. Low and behold you're like honey anyway and there sat a very lovely conversationalist and an understanding was made.

Dancing was done and on a box no less with a pretty thing from the ISLAND...Then there were brief introductions and a new scene came into the place.

A french boy whose name escapes me
A zombie girl who was a Gemini with a boy's name
and me wearing a dress I made

I got up on stage and took my belt off and used it to do a spontaneous bondage act, where I was collaring a random boy on this stage. He later thanked me for the amusement and I brushed it off. I'm sure if he had a gf she doesn't like me but no one's gf ever likes me, heh. I'm sorry you girls are so insecure, maybe if you trusted your boy and weren't so insecure you'd be awesome like me.

I loved how the bartender was fueling my fire, he gave me what i wanted without my asking, he just knew it had to be done. A couple of puffs and another parting from a friend and off the 3 of us went.

Walked to another bar, had another drink and ended up taking two more stranglers with us. It was then decided we would cross the street to the tattoo parlor and chill. But alas not everyone was allowed entrance and the french boy was denied so I gave him a hug and then he gave me a french kiss for awhile and was on his way.
So then I get inside the place and one of the artists immediately takes a liking to me and gives me a massage and started making out with me too.

Genitourinary begins....

The carpet was well cleaned... and it was filmed on top of that by a voyeur
then the zombie girl started making out with me too.

So I end up passing out and wake up and don't even know what time it is but decide I should go back to the east village, where I'm calling home that week/day/night. I get home at like 11:30am.

I think this is why I miss the east coast so much.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Catwoman speaks....

I had a moment yesterday, let me tell you about it.

So I'm walking down Clark Street to catch the bus and low and behold, I see a good spot. A Green Clothing Donation bin, with tons of crap outside. So I go through a bag, cause all the other stuff is wet and ruined and not interesting regardless. I found 6 designer purses and a pair of BCBG heels. So one of the purses is sorta ugly but it has a perk because it has blue vinyl in it, and I don't know if you know, but vinyl is about 7 dollars a yard and while there isn't much material here, I can still do something with it. It was an Estee Lauder bag hah, I have little respect for designer shit anymore, cause I find it everywhere and its free. I have hardly ever paid for a designer possession in quite awhile.

I take it with me as I meet Amandacera at the zoo and we met up with her roommate and got a brief tour, will go back soon I promise! I gave her a choice of what purses she wanted cause there are plenty and she picks this white nine west one and a smaller beaded one. We all go grocery shopping and then go to her friends house and then go back to her apartment. So I had a fun night in Logan Square took two trains to land me back in lake view. In between there was a massive delay on the blue line (thanks CTA) .... You make me hate public transit even more....

As soon as I got back I was so excited about the vinyl, I started making patterns and sewing rough stitches to get a better idea of the fit and where it would need to be sewn with the machine; I could hand sew it but I'm still missing a few pieces.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It's nearly 4am and I'm cooking a french dish that my mom taught me how to make.We're so similar its ridiculous.

I'm not worried anymore.

I'm rather relieved. I'm always at my best when I'm on the edge of really losing it. I made my first pair of underwear tonight while watching a documentary on Jack the Ripper, I figured that Sweeney Todd was based on the story since the murders occurred on Fleet Street. There was another documentary about the internet and the creation of Amazon, it just reminded me of when I was 9 years old and I was the first one to have a computer and internet and I was hooked from then on.

I spent years in social isolation and being alone and reveling in that. Reading books, being elitist and not speaking to anyone,because we had nothing in common and there was no reason to waste time on them.

There is a sense of relief when I have nothing.When I'm homeless, jobless and loveless, I'm so happy and maybe its because there are no expectations and not too many people to have to deal with and it means no responsibility no commitment.

This is why living alone appeals to me;I don't want to clean up after other people.I just want to create all day.