Sunday, March 1, 2009

Reasons Why Living Alone is Optimal

It all started on February 14th, I went to look at this place in Bushwick- Brooklyn and the room was cool and I met the roommate and they seemed interesting and laid back. My belongings were in storage and I was set to move in on February 20th and even took the day off work to do it.

Sign #1 Weird Text Message
Sign #2 Malarkey Excuse for why a key cannot be made
Sign #3 Having to call in order to be let into the building (screams control issues)

Whilest living there:
Sign #4 No Mailbox
Sign #5 No rent receipt/illegal sublet

So Friday the 20th rolls around and the roommate (not going to use real name so lets use Ursula)
welcomes me in and is very laid back and nice. A friend from Boston happens to be like 10 minutes away from me so I go and hang out with her. While I'm at my friends place hanging out, I get these texts from my roommate but I can't read them and so I call and say, hey Ursula what's up? She says, yeah can you give me a massage and I was like um what? and I said listen I don't feel comfortable doing that, there are boundaries as roommates. Subject is dropped

So the weekend comes around, I work go out etc and then there is another incident where the other roommate staying there who is a straight male, George, attempts to kiss me and I have to say don't come near me I will knock you out. The following day I talk with Ursula and see states oh I wish you had told me sooner, I'm really sorry and I say look I don't feel comfortable staying there with that situation already taking place, not to mention I had a bad feeling about her as well. By this point we're in the middle/end of the week. It's now Friday and I decide to come home after not being there for a few days and Ursula is really chill with me and we just decide to talk and hang out. All of a sudden she decides she wants to teach me a martial art move and I tell her no she can just explain it to me but then I end up humoring her and then she slaps me in the face and then I get up and say listen, that is not acceptable behavior. We end up wrestling a bit and I just keep restraining her so that she cannot hit me in anyway. The other roommate George is calling to get into the building since thats the only way you can get in. She ignores the calls and attacks me once more and then again I have to restrain her.

Finally she lets George in and then him and I are having a conversation and she storms into the room again attempting to attack me and once again I have to restrain her and I do so with one arm. Then when I let go she spits at me and misses and then comes into my room and slaps me in the face to purposely provoke me but I don't respond because I have a temper and I didn't want the situation to escalate anymore than it did. I said to Ursula, I'm going to bed, you have a good night.

She was threatening me saying, I've going to have a bunch of Russian men rape you. Oh I'm going to have my doctor send you a bill, I'm a cripple, you're abusive. Basically trying to be a victim.

So I spend all of Saturday moving my shit out, half I carry alone on the train to my new place and then I have to wait out the rest of the day until Ursula decides to come home and let George the other roommate in so I can get the last of my things. I have to wait until George says he is home in order to get my things, I don't go alone because I don't know if she is going to attack me again and I want a witness present. I meet my friend up and we go to my place and get my things and then she wont answer her phone and George's phone is turned off, so I bang on the neighbors window and he lets me in.

He keeps asking me is everything okay? and my friend and I are like yeah. I grab my belongings with my friends help and I give the key back and say I want my money back and she refuses to give it to me and I say you know what you keep it. I go downstairs with all my stuff and I'm trying to call a cab and the neighbor comes out and we start talking and then he is telling me that she has done this to everyone who has ever lived with her and they have been trying to get her evicted for the past 3 years.

Then I take a cab back to the city and move my stuff in and decide to go back to Brooklyn and call the police, because I did have minor scratches on me from the altercation.

Basically because there was no witnesses or rather that George would not say anything due to fear, the case was dropped and no paperwork was filled out. Justice needs to be served, boy do I feel like John Walsh saying that.

1 comment:

Kevin Michael Wehle And Brian Damian Sabbats said...

Hey, Ros, that's really sucks I mean the situation. No wonder you want to live alone. I would too. My room mates are fantastic-I'm lucky.