Friday, November 6, 2009

~~Daintier, smarter, better dressed~~

Everything is fucked up again but this time it's not so bad. I'm more prepared than ever before and I'm not even really upset. I was in that {slam the door, lock it behind me, cry my heart out on the floor mode} from all the past season's stress.

The only thing that gets to me is the sense of immediacy; the lack of being busy, the shroud of stability that I'm always after and which always seems to elude me.

Half the time I'm not really upset, I just pretend to be and maybe its just for the conflict to stimulate my brain.

Trevor Goodchild: The dream to awaken our world...
Æon Flux: Youre out of control.
Trevor Goodchild: I take control! Whose side are you on?
Æon Flux: I take no side...
Trevor Goodchild: You're skating the edge.
Æon Flux: I am the edge!
Trevor Goodchild: What you *truly* want, only I can give.
Æon Flux: You cant give it, can't even buy it, and you just dont
*get* it.

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